Next Steps for Enrollment

Thank you for completing your online enrollment form!

Below you will be able to access the documents referenced in the online enrollment process as well as other forms you can print out as needed.

REGISTRATION FEE: If you have not yet paid your registration fee ($50 per child), please do so now. You can bring a check or cash to the SCP office or you can pay securely online (with a small convenience fee) HERE.

HANDBOOK: If you haven’t done so, please review the SCP Parent Handbook and the DCFS Licensing Standards Summary. When completing the online enrollment form, you acknowledged that you had received and read these documents. 

REQUIRED DOCUMENTS: The following will be due on July 31st for all new/incoming students (unless you have been given a different date by the SCP Team):

  • Complete the SCP Payment Method Selection Form and email it to or bring it to the SCP office.
  • Your child’s physical form and immunization records (DCFS requires these be updated every 2 years). Most doctor's offices have the State of IL Physical Exam form on hand and you just need to notify them that you need one completed.
  • A copy of your child’s state-certified birth certificate (must be the Certification of Birth Record or Certificate of Live Birth provided by the state of birth).

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